Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cheryl's Introduction Blog

Introduction/What I Teach

My name is Cheryl Jones-Strong.  I currently teach ITE115, Introduction to Computer Applications and Concepts at Reynolds Community College as an Adjunct Instructor.  My future goal, however, is to teach advanced Microsoft Office application related courses in addition to the subject I currently teach. 

I am a 20-year retired Army veteran and former federal government contactor.  While in my military and federal government contractor roles, I taught various military applications and IT related courses.  I later transferred to the state government where I did mostly project management work, but I truly missed teaching, so I went back to school and completed a master degree in Information Systems (MIS) through the University of Phoenix (UoP) and another master degree in Distance Education (MDE) through the University of Maryland University College (UMUC); both were completed entirely online.  I also have a Bachelor degree in Computer Information Systems which I completed through Saint Leo University (SLU).
Fun Facts About Me

People may find it interesting that I have been taking college course for more than 30 years.  I find that I love learning and consider myself a lifelong learner. I will probably take classes until there is no longer breath in my body.

Another interesting fact about me is that I really like reading.  I have paperback books dating back since I was 14 years old.  When my life became too hectic (somewhere around 2003) I turned to listening to audio books and joined an audio book club.  I have listened to more than 1400 books.
Current Knowledge

Knowledge is about the awareness or familiarity of areas of expertise.  Like most people who have lived more than half a century, I have a wide range of knowledge in several areas.  The areas of knowledge that I acknowledge most are those where I am most skilled and include Information Systems, Training, Project Management, Business Analysis, and Software Development. 


I have extensive experience both in life and professionally.  I spent 20 years in the military where I gained a wide-range of experience in leadership, training, and project management.   The military was the catalyst for the remaining skills I have since gained.  I completed several degrees and certifications in the areas of Information Systems and Distance Education.  To stay current in the area that I teach, I take Microsoft Certification courses.  I also take professional development courses offered by Reynolds Community College.

Attitude About Teaching

I believe no student should ever be made to feel or believe that they cannot learn.  My job is to find the right approach to help each student discover the best method for them to learn.  Since learning should include being student centered, I need to find learning approaches that will help my students to be active participants in their learning process.  Engaging in professional development courses is one way that I accomplish this task.
Although I believe in the student centered approach, I want my students to know that they are not alone in their learning endeavors.  I want my students to know that I am always available to assist them in their quest for knowledge.  I want them to be willing to try but to also know that I am there to support, guide, and encourage them should the need arise. 
I believe that as a teacher of adult learners, I must create a safe learning environment that allows a respectful and positive atmosphere for information exchange.  Students possessing a variety of learning styles should feel encouraged to express themselves and ask questions with no fear of criticism or ridicule.  A positive learning environment facilitates the students’ desire to learn and enriches their learning experience.  It is my responsibility to ensure my classes possess this type of learning environment.
At the conclusion of any course I teach, my students should leave the course with a set of newly acquired skills that they should be able to use in their personal, educational, and professional endeavors.
How This Blog Affects My Ideas About Blogging In Future Courses
While I found the requirement for this class to blog relatively easy, I am not sure integrating a blog or blog requirement would be beneficial.  Currently there is a requirement in my classes to use Blackboard and the textbook’s website.  I am not sure if adding an additional technology resources would be very beneficial.  I believe, however, when I begin to teach an online class, I may reconsider this position.